
John C Maxwell summed it up with his quote:

Change is inevitable, growth is optional.”

There are also many other versions through people changing the original. Thats what we do and in a way it is our job. Change is happening constantly — take nature for instance — here the Roses are beginning to sprout new leaves and buds, the fruit trees are loaded with blossoms and many other plants are budding in preparation for Spring. The end of Winter is nearing and I’m looking forward to the warmer weather.

Our environment, circumstances and ourselves are always changing in some way — whether we like it or not. I remember when wearing a seatbelt in a car was made law; there were protests then too but now I can’t imagine getting into a car without putting my belt on. I’ve become accustomed to it and now it has become an automatic way of being. Just like many other facets of our lives, we are hyper-aware of new things but after time they become a part of us that we simply don’t notice.

When I was younger (much younger) it was expected that you’d get a job and stay in that for your entire working life. I’ve lost count of the number of jobs I’ve had over my working life and compared to some I didn’t have many. To get married was to plan to be with that person for the rest of your life — till death do us part etc. But that isn’t the case now, as marriages break up without any associated backlash from society which was the case a few decades ago. Change once again.

Over the past few short months we’ve all faced a barrage of changes in rapid succession with the advent of the global pandemic. We’ve had to learn to socially distance — although some don’t seem to have got that yet; washing our hands or using sanitiser frequently has become the norm, although why it took a pandemic for people to realise this I’m not sure. Then recently we’ve been asked — or required to wear a face mask when leaving our homes. Now that has taken some effort to become accustomed too, but we are learning. And yes some are up in arms about it, personally I can’t see what all the fuss is about. If I can do a little bit to protect myself and others then why not.

Many of the habits we’ve acquired over our lives would have been unthinkable a short time ago. I’ve had to accept a life without two of my children —one to suicide and the other to her choice. Yet life goes on and we become accustomed to the changes gradually, even if they seem unrealistic initially.

So yes, John C Maxwell was correct — change is inevitable — and I’d like to think that I have chosen the growth option.

#copingsuicide #blacklivesmatter #changeisinevitable